Functional Movement Screen

Injury Prevention at its Best

Have you heard of the expression “fundamentals first?” All top-level trainers, professionals, and experts advocate the simplistic approach of having the fundamentals before anything else. One of the challenges today is that many of us want progress to the next level without having our fundamentals down first, even though we think we do! This is a problem. What happens is people are putting exercise and weights on top of dysfunctional movement patterns, which can impair performance and cause injuries.

Injury Prevention

The number one goal we should all have with an exercise program is to prevent injury. This comes before any goal of fat loss, weight loss, muscle building, or performance enhancement. If you get hurt, then none of those goals even matter because you can't train.

7 Part Screen

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS), is a 7 part movement screen that identifies and improves muscle imbalances of the body and dysfunctional movement as it relates to performing various movements in a fitness program AND movement in your day to day life.

Who Can Benefit From The FMS

Simply put ANYONE that is or plans on partaking in exercise. Fitness enthusiasts, runners, cross- fitters, yogis, triathletes, sports players, kids who play sports, young, old, etc. Every type of exercise requires movement, and has the potential of being dysfunctional movement that can lead to injuries.



The screen effortlessly identifies asymmetries and limitations, diminishing the need for extensive testing and analysis. Even if you have never had any injuries, that doesn't necessarily mean you move well.


The FMS creates a functional baseline to mark progress. It clearly gives insight on how much stress your body can take from a fitness stand point, and gives recommendations on movements to include and not to include in your fitness program.


The FMS quickly identifies dangerous movement patterns so that they can be addressed. It also indicates an individual's readiness to perform exercise so that realistic goals can be set and achieved. If you don't move well your body will break down eventually.

Corrective Strategies

The FMS can be applied to any fitness level, simplifying corrective strategies of a wide array of movement issues. It identifies specific exercises based on individual FMS scores to instantly create a customized treatment plan

The Functional Movement Screen

This is where I meet with you and conduct the actual screen. You will perform 7 movement patterns for evaluation. Corrective exercises will be tested and a customized treatment plan will be implemented. Your personal treatment plan will be scheduled and accessible via the FMS online portal. The screen lasts approximately 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.

Progress Sessions

Follow up sessions must be scheduled to chart progress. You will be re-tested to identify the progress made. Modifications to the treatment plan will be implemented if necessary These sessions should be scheduled every 2-3 weeks, and should continue until the movement pattern is corrected. The follow up sessions last approximately 30-45 minutes.